
Services - Audit

We understand that the primary goal of a financial audit is to enhance your company’s reputation and credibility with those who evaluate the financial information in your financial statements. Mira + Kolena provides audit services to businesses which cross a wide variety of industries. We keep abreast of the changing AICPA and FASB requirements. We strive for continued excellence by adopting and implementing new technologies to increase efficiency and effectiveness. Our name in an audit report will lend creditability to the attached financial information. We believe we have developed a reputation for quality that the business community and local financial institutions recognize and respect. This is supported by the fact we have received unqualified reports on our accounting and audit practice from our peer reviewers since our inception. We strive to meet deadlines, pay attention to details, arrive prepared at your office and respect your time and schedule.
Our audits include a planning phase where we get to know your business or organization – discussion about your business challenges and results, analysis of your internal financial statements, and understanding of your accounting procedures. After tailoring our audit procedures to your business or organization, we conduct an audit through a variety of analytical, sampling, and inquiry techniques. At the conclusion of our audit, we meet with management and appropriate members of the Board of Directors to discuss our audit report, suggestions for improved operational effectiveness in our management letter and upcoming changes in accounting standards.
To learn more, please contact Tom Kolena at 419.474.5020 or
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